Welcome to Year 4
Miss Muir is the class teacher
Mrs Oakey and Mrs Pollard are the class teaching assistants
This term's Embark global theme is identity and diversity
This term we will be reading the Anglo Saxon Boy to fit in with our history topic. The story follows Magnus as his family become heavily involved in the battle of Hastings in 1066.
Below are a list of Year 4 spellings that we will focus on each week. The children will be given their new spellings on a Monday afternoon and will be given a dictation to write to show they have understood the spelling pattern on a Friday.
As well as our weekly spellings, the children will learning the Year 3/4 statutory spelling words. These will make up our spelling zappers in school. We will be practicing 5 at a time with regular testing to progress through them as quickly as we can.
Below you'll be able to see the medium term plan for our maths during Autumn. As you can see, we'll be studying Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Area and Multiplication and Division all before Christmas.
This year is a super important year for the children. During the Summer term, the students will have a multiplication test. This is online and will be 25 random questions. Please see more details below about how we practice our times tables.
TT Rockstars
TT Rockstars is a fantastic and fun way for your child to practise their times tables. They will be set the times tables they currently need to practise to help them to become secure with each table and improve their speed.
We have a display in the classroom where the children can move their names up as they achieve a new rock status. Playing in 'Studio' will reward them with a higher rock status!
In the Summer Term Year 4 children nationally take part in a times tables test. They are expected to know all their times tables up to 12x12 and be able to answer every question in under 6 seconds. Playing TTRS in 'Soundcheck' is a very good example of what the test will be like.
Home Learning
Login details have been sent home for SeeSaw, TTRS and Lexia.
Below are a selection of websites/resources you can also access:
Oak National Academy publishes lessons daily each week for all subjects.
BBC Bitesize has a variety of lessons for English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. Many of which have extremely helpful videos to explain the learning to the children.
PE is on a Monday and Friday. Please ensure your child brings their kit to school on a Monday, it'll stay in school until Friday before coming home for the weekend.
Don't forget you can log in to Seesaw to send any work you have completed at home for us to look at.
This is something we will be using to listen to home reads.
Homework - This year students will have a SPAG and Maths homework book. They will be set a page from each on a Monday. The homework will be due back on the following Monday.
TTRS - Please access this as much as possible at home - at least three times a week is recommended.
Reading - at least 3 times a week at home - please record this in your child's reading record.
Lexia - Please access this as much as possible at home - at least twice a week is recommended.
Useful websites for extra work
Please find a list of websites for resources that you may find useful.