Miss Butt is the Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Jones will teach on Thursdays
Mrs Hulse is the Teaching Assistant
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
Our Curriculum
The curriculum is based on Global Themes. These themes are chosen to be a creative, yet engaging way of building understanding and knowledge for the children. This is taught in a sequence throughout the year.
Our Global Themes:
1. Identity and Diversity
2. Peace and Conflict
3. Saving our Environment
4. Social Justice
5. Our World and Beyond
6. Our Heritage
This terms Global Theme is: Identity and Diversity
Year One Long Term Plan:
In Year 1, we learn new phonemes to make us better readers and writers. As a school, we follow the Little Wandle scheme of learning to teach phonics. We introduce new sounds each week so the children can 'Grow the code' and build on their existing knowledge.
To the read more about Little Wandle press this link.
In Year 1, we are always busy learning different spellings! To ensure we are writing super sentences, we use our toolkit below:
We are looking at the text, 'Lost in the Toy Museum' this half term. We will be working on using coordinating conjunctions to link two main ideas together. The children will use their fantastic phonic knowledge to write super sentences including, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
Autumn 1 1. Place Value 2. Addition and Subtraction
Numbots is a fun and interactive way for your child to improve understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
Your child will receive their own personal login.
Certificates will be awarded for completing each Numbot!
History Changes within Living Memory: Toys (1837-2023)
We will be looking at a timeline through History of toys and how toys have changed in this time period. The children will compare Victorian style toys to modern day toys and understand the differences. Our outcomes will be to develop an awareness on the past to describe the passing of time.
Useful websites for extra work
Please find a list of websites for resources that you may find useful.