Welcome to Year 5 2024-2025
Welcome to Year 5. This year, students will be taught by Mr Woodward, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Lakin.
In preparation for year 6, we place a huge importance on continuing our hard work outside of the classroom. This year, our homework is set into 4.
Homework books
These will be set every Friday. Students will be bringing home two books (SPAG and Maths), with roughly 2-pages in each to complete.
Times table Rock stars
Times tables are a really important part of maths. They help in many areas including multiplication, division and fractions, all which play a big part of the year 5 curriculum. To ensure we are in the best possible place to access these areas, fluent knowledge of the time stables are essential.
Reading challenge
Every half term, we will have a reading challenge. This will involve uploading a read to Seesaw at least three times a week.
Please see the poster below for more details.
Weekly spellings
Every week, students will be tested on 5 words taken from the KS2 common exception words. At the start of every term, students will bring home an updated version of their progress.
The curriculum
We follow a global themes approach.
The global themes are:
Autumn 1 - Identity and diversity
Autumn 2 - Peace and conflict
Spring 1 - Saving our environment
Spring 2 - Social justice
Summer 1 - Our world and beyond
Summer 2 - Our heritage
English - Writing
This term we will be linking our writing to our history topic, Ancient Egypt. We will look at setting descriptions and write a non-chronological report on the ancient civilisation.
English - Reading
Our class book this term is Kensuke's Kingdom. Our reading lessons will be based from this text. We aim to have this finished by Christmas.
At St George's, we follow White Rose. Please find attached the termly coverage below.
This term (Autumn 2) we will be studying how forces impact our daily life. Including: Friction, Gravity, Air Resistance and Water resistance.
Each half term we will rotate between a history unit and a geography unit. This term is a history unit. We'll be studying the ancient Egyptians and their memorable achievements.
This year, students will be taking part in weekly swimming lessons. As well as this, we will have one outdoor P.E lesson a week. You will find the swimming dates attached below.
Monday - Swimming kit
Wednesday- Outdoor P.E kit