St George's CE Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to EYFS

Our teacher is Miss S Lush and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs W Grist

Starting school is an exciting time and we want to make this transition as smooth as possible. All our new Reception starters are given the opportunity to attend taster days in the Summer term prior to the September start. We also hold an information session for parents/carers in the Summer term too. 

Information Pack for New Starters (Sept 24)

School Readiness and Checklist

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) lasts from Birth, until the end of the Reception year.  Throughout the Reception year we work on our 'Early Learning Goals'. (ELGs) 

The ELGs identify key skills and knowledge that children should demonstrate by the end of Reception. At the end of the year, your child's teachers decide to what extent they have met the Early Learning Goals. Children who have not met some or all of these will continue to work on these aspects in Year One. Others may have met them much earlier in the Reception Year and may be working on aspects of the National Curriculum.  

The first few weeks in Reception will be a time for settling in, meeting new friends and a time for the teacher to get to know  what your child can already do and what the next steps of our learning journey are.

Also within the first six weeks the first term, we also complete a 'Baseline Assessment'. (RBA). This gives us a starting point as to where to begin your child's journey.

Reception Baseline Information for Parents

You will be given a log- in to our messaging service. 'Class Dojo' , which will make contacting us easy. We also use this to communicate with you , as well as sharing 'magic moments' from our day.

The Reception Curriculum is organised into topics. Learning is more meaningful if we link ideas so key elements of learning  fit into these topics and children explore new ideas whilst building on what they already know. We also try to use what the children are interested in to help us to plan their next steps. 

EYFS Statutory Framework

Characteristics of Effective Learning


You will hear about 'phonics' lessons which teach children about the alphabet and letter sounds. 

We use the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' scheme.

Here is the link to their parents page... 

Also, here is a link  to help your child at home with their phonics....


When we are ready, this is how we write our letters:

Here are our Phase 3 sounds:

Here is a copy of the parent information that we share at our Phonics meeting for parents:

More resources and information can be found on 


Lots of playing with playdough will help your muscle strength, as well as making circular movements in the air, in sand or salt etc..

Also, climbing and pushing will help with your upper body strength- which helps with handwriting too! Our park nearby is lovely to spend time in developing these skills.

Here's the recipe for playdough! 

There are several websites to support parents with helping their child to learn through play.

Fresh Air Friday

Every Friday afternoon we put on our waterproof clothes and take our learning outside.

We cover all areas of the curriculum in a practical (and messy way!)

For example

  • We make marks in sand or mud to practice our letters.
  • We roll our tyres to develop upper body strength.
  • We make environmental art using found objects and we tell our friends about them.
  • We make collections and count them. 

As we work outside during Fresh Air Friday it is important that we are dressed appropriately. 

We recommend that children wear waterproof clothing. Some parents choose to buy all-in-one 'Ski suits' that children simply wear over their school clothes. Other parents provide warm 'old' clothes and a waterproof coat

Most children wear wellies- as they are waterproof. 

Here is a link to some great FREE resource packs for Home Learning you may like to look at and download. 


Here is a list of books that are suggested reads for EYFS.

You may have some at home already. If not, there is an excellent library in Swadlincote- with loads of lovely books to borrow FOR FREE!

We'll also read some of these books in class- as well as lots more. We have a story time at the end of each day. Please feel free to bring your favourite books into school to share with your friends.