St George's CE Primary School

  1. Parents/Carers

Parent/Carer Involvement

The relationship between school and parents/carers is of the utmost importance to us. We offer many opportunities for parents to get involved and we hope to see you at as many of these as possible. We do appreciate that it can be difficult to get into school but by offering events on different days/times, there will hopefully be something for everyone!

Class Worship - Each class will share their learning and/or share a special occasion in the Church calendar

Open Afternoons - An opportunity to spend time with your child in their classroom, carrying out a learning activity with them (2 x yearly.)

PTA - Join our fundraising group and support fun activities to raise money for school (a meeting each half term and regular events through the year).

Sports Day - Cheer along your children at this annual summer event.

FaceBook Page - Share in all the lovely things that happen at St. George's. Leave comments to make others smile!

Volunteers - We always welcome parents/carers who would like to volunteer in classes with activities such as listening to readers.

Consultation Evenings - Face to face meetings with your child's class teacher to find out how they are doing in school and share information (2 x yearly).


Home/School Agreement

Communication Charter