St George's CE Primary School

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Illness & Medicines

Illness & Medicine

Parents/carers are asked to ensure that their contact details are up to date at all times. If there are changes to any details please inform school as soon as possible. This is vital so that we may contact you if necessary.

We do not encourage children who are unwell to be sent to school but recognise that on occasions they may require medication during school hours.

If children need medication during the day, parents/carers are welcome to come into school to administer it. If parents/carers are unable to come into school, they may send a representative along with written authorisation. School staff can administer medication but parents/carers must come into school to complete the appropriate authorisation forms. Only the dosage for the day can be kept in school and no medicines can be left in school overnight.

Children with medical conditions who must take medication as part of treatment have a Care Plan written by health professionals. This is an individual plan specific to the child.

Children with asthma need to have a prescribed inhaler in school at all times, clearly labelled with their name and in date. These will be kept in classrooms. Children who are prescribed an inhaler must have it for school trips, sports and swimming as they will be unable to take part without it. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure children have an inhaler in school and that it is always in date.

Accidents in School

Any accident in school is recorded in the school’s accident book. Parents/carers will receive a slip to inform them of any accident. Any major injuries would be dealt with by one of our trained First Aiders and parents/carers informed immediately. We will always contact you if we feel it is necessary after an accident.

Head Lice

If you notice that your child has eggs (nits) or live lice in their hair we ask that you  please treat this immediately. We ask that all long hair is tied up neatly during the school day. This helps protect against head lice. We will of course, inform you if we notice that your child’s hair contains eggs or lice.


Public Health Agency Guidance on Infection Control